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Graded Exams at Talking Props
You can study for all of your grades here at Talking Props through classes and private one to one sessions.
Taking grades are encouraged but not necessary and our classes are not structured around doing so, we feel its very important to teach industry standard, fun and diverse classes. However we are able to use the work we create to enter students for Grades and in some genres such as Ballet, following a syllabus for part of the class is an essential way of learning the technique.
Talking Props is affiliated as a training provider for
London College of Music | Russell is a vocal teacher and examiner for LCM.
International Dance Teachers Association | Hannah is our representative for IDTA, she teaches exam work here at TP and enters students for exams.
London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art | Michael is a registered teacher for LAMDA and can teach the syllabus and enter students for exams.
So you can train and take all your exam disciplines under one roof!

Some examples of graded disciplines
Musical Theatre Performance
Singing (Musical Theatre Style)
Singing (Operatic)
Devising Drama
Speaking Verse
Public Speaking
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